for booking with WildKayte Studio!
All Booking Is through SQUARE APP - please choose your service or multiple services there.
Once booking is completed, all appointment details, including address, will be emailed / texted to you.
You are responsible for checking your email & or texts upon booking.
A non-refundable $50 DEPOSIT is required (via E-Transfer to wildkayte@hotmail.com)
to book, and will be deducted from your total payment. No show fee is $50
You are required to book with a card online for No Show Protection
CASH only at end of service or ETRANSFER
Debit or Credit is Available when communicated.

How to Prepare
1) Come with CLEAN lashes and/or brows (depending on your service)
2) Avoid caffeine
3) Arrive on time (late fee will be charged for 15 min to 30 min - after 30 min will be a NOSHOW charge)
4) Use the washroom before your appointment
5) Wear comfortable clothing
6) Turn off your phone
7) Disclaimer: Wear contacts at your own discretion! If you can, please do not wear your contacts to your appointment. The glue fumes can get trapped under your lenses and cause irritation.
8) Optional: Shower before your appointment! This is because you will need to avoid showers for at least 24hrs after your appointment.
9) Before booking, please be aware of all our policies
10) Please be sure to send your DEPOSIT within 30 MINS of booking (wildkayte@hotmail.com)
11) Masks are not mandatory for your appointment. (if you choose to wear one, it will be tapped to you face during your appointment.)
12) PLEASE NOTE: If no appointments are available, I am either fully booked or we can accommodate a time outside of booking availability. I am usually very accommodating and can usually fit you in.
(Booking schedule is usually released 2-3 weeks, but now available for months)
Please contact me for any accommodations or mobile booking.