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Touch ups are necessary to maintain your eyebrows. Although Ombre powder brows are permanent, the shape definition and color freshness fade away overtime. Because of this a touch up is highly recommended to define the shape and freshen up the color after a long period of time.

How often should you come for a touch-up after your first touch-up?
After you had received your initial appointment and your first touch up (4-12 weeks later), a yearly touch-up appointment is recommended. I recommend that you come back 12 -18 months after the first touch-up.

How soon can you come back?
I recommend coming back sooner if you have retention issues. For example, if you have large pores and oily skin, minimal brow hair, live a active life, being in the sun often and sweating often.

Is it normal to wear make-up?
Brows still require some maintenance even if they are tattooed. Applying a little bit of brow make up on top of the tattoo will always look better and is completely normal.
The color of make up will always look slightly more vibrant then a tattoo therefore a little make up will make the eyebrows look better. Applying a little bit of concealer will also make the brows look better and more defined. However, this doesn't necessary mean that you need a touch up.
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